A sonnet cycle in production

Monday, October 27, 2014

Sonnet #9

Chalk-white skin sprinkled with freckles. Dusted
Free of any moisture that might have marred
Your sacred iconography. Sugared
Breath must come from your chapped lips. I lusted
For a chance to earn from you a trusted
Place near your heart. Drenched efforts have dared
To bring my dank loins near yours. Have I fared
Well? Have my exertions readjusted
Your imperial gaze? I request audience
To pronounce my ambitions toward you:
To perch with you upon the arid throne.
My struggling means nothing, inconvenience
At best. Your dry eyes designate the true
Distance between us. I still stand alone.

Saturday, October 25, 2014

Sonnet #8

This time as I look up to your features
Blazoned across the sky, I know the taste
Of unrequited love. I remain chaste
For you. No other receives my gestures
Of affection. Yet your bared breast assures
Me that you lack all modesty. I baste
In anguished urges that have replaced
Natural longings. What desperate measures
Can I take to reign in your abandon,
Contain its excesses? You lack restraint
That I can provide. Do not doubt my bold
Power! I have killed the gripping python
That held earth in its coils. I see the faint
Glimmer from within your eyes smoldering cold.

Friday, October 24, 2014

Sonnet #7

Wearing ragged blue jeans doesn’t alter
Glowing cheeks and creamy pale skin. It seems
No matter how they clothe your beauty’s beams,
Graceful limbs strike careful poses. I falter
Briefly, caught in my pipe-dreaming. Crowds pass
My neutered state. I swim in murky masses
Crawling within concrete pools. Your tresses
Float, winding thru nether regions, harass
My stewed efforts. No coast looms before me
To go ashore. Your laugh propels my reach
For rungs of hopeful ladders. I find each
stroke more arduous than the last. If only
I can rise above treading tepid seas
I might enjoy your powdered, elegant ease.

Monday, October 20, 2014

Sonnet #6

Down here you appear to me from above
Hovering on a building on satin
Sheets that cover your essential places
That I long to discover, like bold Jove
Golden showering between your long, thin
Thighs, infiltrating your private spaces.
Murky, humid, violent winds oppress
My thoughts of you. Then like the wet T-shirt
Covering you, a cool moisture relieves
my burning mind. I feel your soft print dress
flutter above my lowly head. Desert
your high station for me! Smooth brow deceives
me when I intimate my rough longing.
You see me only as the herd thronging.

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Sonnet #5

Looking up from the struggling hordes of ugly
People who have no thoughts of your unique
Perspective. A crawling Chinese dragon
Weaving, shaking, and snorting fires, vaguely
Trying to show contempt for your mystique.
Your puffy lips command my attention,
Recognize the hollow, flat existence
Parading below you as meaningful
Cultural experience. I love your disdain,
Your apathy, the depth you evidence
With your shaded curves and so bountiful
Fullness. Why can’t they see? I can’t explain
Your tempting lures to them. I’ll continue
to thank the gods of marketing for you.

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Sonnet #4

In the cool air above sweltering streets
She lounges in her breezy negligee
Eyeing the anthill antics of people
Who never climb between her silky sheets
Or even hope to rise to her apogee
Of fashion. Her chilling look, her ample
Curved allure offers textures seldom found
In everyday obscurity. Nipple
Pressing thru thin veneer of lacy clothe
Taunts flat lives walking without a sound
In the hollowness of their lives. Ripple
Effect of your gaze, resonating swath
Of pleasure, grips my root. I’ll be your knight
Shining triumphant on your holy sight.

Saturday, October 11, 2014

Sonnet #3

The cool wind blows across my flushed, rough face
As though your fragrant hair has just caressed
Me from above. It won’t slow my heart’s pace
Or slacken my breath. I dream it possessed
Just a wisp of your breath, a hint of rose
That reached down to the burning hot asphalt
Where I stand admiring your fashioned pose
On a sign. Obsession is not at fault
When distance between us isn’t measured
In inches but by possibility,
Offering infinite whims or treasured
Moments suggesting not felicity
But hope. I long for my two-dimensional
World to be graced with your fullest potential.

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Sonnet #2

No matter how victorious I am I lose.
The faster that I run the race,
The more I fall behind
Because the prize I seek is out of reach.
It cannot satisfy my dark desire
For it costs me my honest soul,
The value that is beyond compare
Becomes a debt I can’t repay.
The object of my vain hopes
belongs on a marble terrace
Where she looks down on mere mortals
Such as I with stony indifference.
Neither achievement nor rejection
Can ever provide for my redemption.

Saturday, October 4, 2014

Sonnet #1

I have a sword of royal grace
that protects me from all harm,
but it encloses me in a glass case
which keeps me from love’s charm.
thru its limpid possessive bars
I see another weapon that I crave:
A blunt object, the heavy mace mars
the idyll of my regal, loveless haven.
These two weapons clash to win me
and I cannot see to choose.
While I long for the mace’s victory
I fear safety should my sword lose.
I want what I have: a royal crown,
 But more I want the mace’s soft down.