A sonnet cycle in production

Saturday, December 13, 2014

Sonnet #23

Sand grains cling in mysterious patterns
On thin canvassed thighs, whose symbols portray
Reflecting, hidden meanings which betray
My most amorous thoughts. Firm hip that turns
Toward the sea flinging motifs away
To dance on foamy shores for brief moments
Before sinking. Although the sea torments
Poetic vision as the end of day
Darkens memory of lyric themes, hints
At annihilation. This poet knows
the cruel eraser of time will dispose
of chattering voices. No permanence
Assured. I rearrange grainy verse lines
Over which an eternal bright sun shines.

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Sonnet #22

Rail thin compass limbs cross unwillingly
Triangulating perception toward
Tender narrow spaces. Ample mounds part
In shadowed depth, teetering anxiously
High above cobbled streets. Rock hard fairly
Rises in monolithic support. Shard
Of apathy stabs into softened heart
Bearing brunt of heavy metal, slowly
Sinking. Can such magnetism repulse
Wrought iron rods inserting their hooded
Convert? Repelling thrusts have no recourse
But to stand in relief, bearing the false
Matter that doesn’t matter, not rooted
In soil, but clear skies. Seeds find no purchase.

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Sonnet #21

Although your beauty remains unquestioned
I ask what benefit the herd redeems
By viewing your lofty legs reclined
In brazen relief for all? Naked beams
Of light filter across your silken sheets
Focusing the smooth undulations of
your treasured silhouette. What heroic feats
may I attempt to win your proud heart’s love?
No scaled monsters exist to prove one’s might.
Only crusades in far swarthy deserts
Provide opportunities for fights
Sev'ring nappy heads on platters. Efforts
of this manner may reach your dimensions.
But will bring only dishonoring conditions.